National Haunted House Day

Support NATIONAL HAUNTED HOUSE DAY on the second Friday in October.

Add the NHHD Widget to your website or blog to show support!

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More about the Initiative

Haunted Houses and the industry around them have impacted popular culture in a permanent way. In recent history, over the past few decades at least, Haunted Houses have been slowly and methodically extending the celebration of Halloween and Horror well beyond a single night in October. Attending haunted houses has become a staple “to do” for a huge number of people across the country during that time of the year. 

We are artists, business owners, community leaders, charitable leaders. We are united by a common vision and passion for an industry. Celabrate NATIONAL HAUNTED HOUSE DAY as an official American holiday on the second Friday of October.

We further insist that haunted houses across the country support this holiday by contributing to charitable causes on National Haunted House Day by donating a portion of their proceeds on the second Friday in October to a charity or nonprofit of their choice.